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C. Svarfar, J. Ullén, LPO: Infinite Bach, Violinkonzert in E-Dur (BWV 1042), I. Allegro

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Mit Infinite Bach liefert der schwedische Violinist Christian Svarfar zusammen mit dem London Philharmonic Orchestra (LPO) eine Einspielung von vier Violinkonzerten von J. S. Bach: E-Dur BWV 1042, a-Moll BWV 1041, d-Moll BWV 1043 und g-Moll BWV 1056. Nicht im Original, sondern in der Nachkomposition des Schweden Johann Ullén, die unter dem Titel Re:Bach veröffentlicht ist.

Zur Entstehung von Re:Bach schreibt Ullén:

In the autumn of 2013, the phenomenal violinist Christian Svarfvar introduced me to Max Richter’s pop-minimalistic recomposition of Vivaldi’s „The Seasons“. […] when Christian suggested to me that I should do something similar with the Violin Concertos by Johann Sebastian Bach, it was like shooting fish in a barrel: I have never before composed at this speed and with such unrelenting joy.

What is it then, this treatment, that I have exposed Bach’s Violin Concertos to?

Like Richter, I have used parts of the original score and made loops of it, added new layers to it, turned it, twisted it, and added new harmonies. Sometimes, as little as eight bars has been chosen as the fundament of an entire movement, sometimes, the music starts off in Bach’s original music and then escapes, at times, the music begins with a long flying start that finally ends in the safe embrace of the original score of Bach.

Johann Ullén

Und Svarfar zum Album:

Ever since the premiere at the Royal Chapel in Stockholm, November 2016, Infinite Bach has been living in the back of my head. […] The original score has been reworked and infused with harmonies associated with film music, pop-aesthetic, and minimalism, however, always firmly rooted in Bach.

Christian Svarfar

Infinite Bach bietet jetzt – jenseits der Live-Präsentation – die Möglichkeit, dass ein breiteres Publikum die Adaption der Violinkonzerte von Ulléns kennenlernt.

Is it really allowed to abuse music like that…?

Why, yes, of course it is. And that has been my entrance into this project, my basic attitude in working with it, as well as my final goal, with „Re:Bach„.

Christian Svarfar

Ob man Svarfars folgen mag oder nicht: Das Video bietet einen guten Einstieg, um das rauszufinden. Für mich: Infinite Bach gehört zu den Alben, die ich nicht nur einmal hören werden. Schöne Musik, um zum Beginn des Advents etwas Ruhe zu tanken.